# USE Overview: Use of the HPC Environment HPC environments are different from local systems and cloud environments. Practitioners typically face initial challenges to utilize such a system efficiently. Moreover, often, data centers deploy a specific solution to set up and execute parallel applications. That means users must be trained in a particular solution to utilize a supercomputer efficiently. Various user roles are covered as part of this subtree: practitioners that aim to deploy existing parallel applications as well as testers that just run already deployed applications, and also developers that create new applications. ## Learning Objectives * Apply tools provided by the operating system to navigate and manage files and executables. * Select the software environment to build existing and develop novel parallel applications effectively. * Use a workload manager to allocate HPC resources. * Construct workflows that utilize remote (distributed) environments to execute a parallel workflow. * Design and deploy scripts that automatize repetitive tasks. # Subskills * [[skill-tree:use:1:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:2:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:3:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:4:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:5:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:6:b]] * [[skill-tree:use:7:b]]