
We welcome any contribution to the forum.

It is free to join for everyone! However, from full members (with voting rights) we expect contributions to the overall program. Note that anyone joining will be listed on the public webpage!

Please join our mailing lists NEWS and MEMBERS.


Our development is available under open source license on GitHub. We welcome pull requests and contributions to the skill tree and tools.


Join our Slack Channel. If there is any issue joining Slack, please contact Julian.

We organize meet on a monthly basis to discuss the status. We are using Slack for the meetings to allow everybody to read the progress of the discussion and to comment upon any action item. The meetings are open for anyone that is interested to participate. Details are found on the processes page.

We happily include the logo of your institution/company on the webpage, simply send an email to the board.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us via the email address of the executive board: