New Board Elected
Election of the new board for the period 2019/2020
The steering board is elected annually in the period between June and July by the active members of the Forum. In 2018, the voting was conducted at ISC-HPC. This year, we used the general channel in our Slack workspace to find voluntary candidates and then vote for the positions. Julian Kunkel, the general chair in 2018/2019 encouraged members to run for the board positions at the end of June and in the mid of July, the candidate list was released for the voting on Slack. The number of positions available and the fact that the Forum is still in the early stage of its development, meant only minor changes to the composition of the board.
The previous board would like to thank the topic chairs and contributors for their support and effort put into the development of the HPCCF over the last year.
We are also very excited to welcome two new members of the board:
- Christiana Dinea (NVIDIA) as chair for the Big Data Analytics subtree.
- Christian Meesters (Universität Mainz) as examination chair.
We are looking forward to an exciting year and the support of all members. Please keep supporting us!